YouTube vs tiktok : the end ?? tik tok is going to ban soon ??

YouTube vs tiktok :  the end ?? tik tok is going to ban soon ??

As the carrymimati's video YouTube vs tik tok : the end breaks all the world record. 

As you can see in this picture

And after Carry's video deleted from YouTube his fans done this to whole tik tok.

This is 22nd may result but before 3-4 days tik tok's rating is 4.5 🌟  and then it getting down to 4.0 , 3.8, 3.3, 2.7, 2.2, 1.7, 1.3, and 22nd may is 1.6 resulted. There are so many rumors that tik tok is going to be ban . Whole country wants to be ban tik tok #justice for carry


  1. Hai guys I don't have any tik tok account but I reviewed tik tok 1 🌟
    Guys if you also had uninstalled tik tok then # Justice for carry


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